With the assistance of flawlessly outcoming professionals, plus the utilization of many state-of-the-art tecnologies, we carry out our Management 360, making possible the most effective approach between the corresponding exporters and importers. The exact areas which integrally take part into the process are: purchasing, sales, finances, logistics, marketing, customer care and business intelligence– focusing on both the commercial and strategic development in question. Our business model is efficient enough to put together your product all over the respective market and, as a result, achieve a substantial increase of your profit margins.

DATA SCIENCE In today's world, a massive amount of data is influencing every corporate operation. Our 360 Management vision aims to understand each aspect of the business, from the supplier production, logistics, finances, and sales, all the way to the final consumer.

However, the different players involved in the activities deliver an assortment of data in various sources and formats. Using data science, we can interpret this range of data, and integrate every piece of information into a single final report to improve the trade.

  • Big Data management facilitating the data understand
  • Focused team on strategical data analysis
  • Customized BI reports for friendly business comprehension
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Our team, along with its partners, is responsible for developing the finest strategy based on data analysis and a client-driven approach. Starting from understanding the demand, that is, the final customer.

We assist with market analysis, product development and homologation, logistics and financial solutions, and other types of demand. Our mission is to find or create the ideal product for each client, resulting in increased sales and profitability.

  • Understanding the client needs and all aspect of the bussines to create a customized solution
  • Business plan development from the analysis of different data sources
  • Experienced team with a large network in different markets
FINANCES Our finances department integrally helps customers with foreign trade challenges and daily operations. We support on find solutions for transactions considering the different risks analysis and possible credit lines. At the same time, with customized integrated reports, we assist in the cash flow management.

  • Cooperation with financial institutions to facilitate credit and risk analysis
  • Continuous improvement of financial reports
  • Customized cash flow management
SUPLLY CHAIN AND LOGISTICS Our supply team, which is aligned with business development and supported by data science, is ready to help with international freight from the beginning to the end of the supply chain. Based on our

understanding of sales, we assist production in delivering the correct product on schedule. Our expert logistics staff, aided by technology, searches for the best solutions. We provide shipment tracking and retain regular follow-up dashboards for the various players via data integration.

  • Customized dashboards for logistics follow-up
  • A large network supporting the strategical decisions
  • Analytics to help balance production, delivery and sales
MARKETING Our marketing staff helps both customers and suppliers by creating advertising campaigns, products display and exhaustive catalogs. Along with ad agencies and associated designers, we work on many and diverse communication areas focusing on a greater visibility of the brand and product in relation to final consumers.

  • Tailored presentations and catalogs
  • Web site layout and banners creation
  • Branding and product improvement
CUSTOMER SERVICE We count with a experienced team with the goal of ensuring the best customer care services, prepared to interact and guarantee the highest level of alertness, in terms of communication, and thus outstandingly solve the huge amount of challenges usually entailed in foreign trade operations.

Our customer care service also considers the most appropriate customization for each business, by taking into account the exact and particular necessities according to each company.

  • Support team in order to help in any sort of demand
  • Customized reports and dashboards to assist on bussines management
  • Improvement of tools within the client needs